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Older Ohioans Urged to Take Precautions as Extreme Heat Arrives

Important Message from Ohio Department of Aging


Forecasters are predicting high temperatures in the 90s and a heat index of 105 degrees or higher over the next several days. The Ohio Department of Aging reminds older residents that extreme heat should be treated with the same care and preparation as summer storms.

“As we age, we sometimes find that our bodies can’t handle extreme conditions as well as when we were younger,” said Ursel J.McElroy, director of the department. “Know your limitations and take precautions to help your body stay cool. Check on older loved ones and neighbors regularly, since they are at increased risk for heat-related illness and complications.”

To stay cool during extremely hot days, the department recommends:

  • Drinking plenty of cool, non-alcoholic beverages (avoiding extremely cold liquids and beverages with high levels of sugar or caffeine);
  • Wearing loose-fitting, lightweight clothing and resting frequently;
  • Planning outdoor activities for cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or late evening;
  • Taking cool baths or showers; and
  • Seeking an air-conditioned environment, such as a store, restaurant, public library, or a family member’s or neighbor’s home, if the indoor temperature in your home is higher than is comfortable.

All Ohioans are encouraged to check in on older loved ones and neighbors before, during, and after severe weather, including very hot days. Checking in helps them feel connected and lets them know you care. It also gives you an opportunity to ensure they are safe and healthy and have the resources to stay that way.

  • Is the temperature in their home comfortable? Do they have safe means to keep it that way if it stays hot outside?
  • Do they need medical attention? Do they appear alert and aware? Have they fallen? Are they staying cool enough? Are they taking their medications as prescribed?
  • Do they have safe food and water? Are they eating and drinking regularly?
  • Do they have someone to call if they need help?

Learn the warning signs of heat-related illnesses and know what to do if you or an older loved one shows symptoms.

  • Heat cramps are muscle pains and spasms, mostly in the legs, caused by dehydration and exertion. Though not life-threatening, heat cramps can be very painful. To prevent and treat heat cramps, drink plenty of cool, non-alcoholic liquids, rest, and stay in a cool environment.
  • Heat exhaustion is caused by heavy sweating and results in not enough fluids to support your vital organs. Symptoms include cool, moist, pale, flushed, or red skin; heavy sweating; headache; nausea or vomiting; dizziness; and lack of energy. Heat exhaustion is a serious and potentially life-threatening illness, so seek medical attention and take steps to reduce the body temperature and increase hydration. These include moving to a cooler environment; drinking cool, non-alcoholic liquids; loosening or removing clothing; and cooling the body with wet towels or a cool shower or bath.
  • Heat stroke is a life-threatening condition in which the individual’s body is no longer able to control its own internal temperature. Signs of heat stroke include hot, red, and dry skin; rapid, weak pulse; rapid, short breathing; and high fever. Heat stroke can also cause disorientation or strange behavior, which may be more difficult to identify in an individual with dementia. Seek emergency medical attention immediately if you suspect you or a loved one is experiencing heat stroke.

Your area agency on aging can help older adults locate and access assistance to stay cool during extreme heat. Resources include cooling centers; access to water; assistance with utilities; and more. Call 1-866-243-5678 to be connected to the agency serving your community.

Ohioans who live in nursing homes can also be at increased risk from extreme heat. The Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman at the Department of Aging advises family members and concerned friends to call loved ones’ nursing homes to check conditions there and ask how the facility is staffed. Call 1-800-282-1206 for assistance.  

Visit ODA's website for additional tips and resources to prepare for severe weather and other emergencies.


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