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Don't Miss OAMES 43rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition!
OAMES 43rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition will be held October 16-17 returning to The Grand Event Center in Columbus, Ohio. We’re making exciting changes and continuing the best of past events! This is the only in-person meeting of the year so join us to benefit from the high-quality education and industry networking only achieved at YOUR state conference! Details and resources:
Conference program flyer with details about sessions, speaker and activities. At-a-glance schedule offers an overview of the two-day event.
Register using OAMES' secure online system or download the hard copy registration form and fax or email to OAMES.
Book your hotel room at the Courtyard by Marriott (Columbus/OSU) adjacent to the meeting venue: hotel room reservation link.
If you're interested in exhibit or sponsor opportunities, click here for information.
Questions? Contact Victoria in the OAMES office today!