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CGS DME MAC Mega Workshop Registration is Open
The CGS DME MAC Provider Outreach and Education staff are excited to announce the upcoming Mega Workshop in Indianapolis, IN on March 20, 2025! This workshop format allows you to choose the sessions that best fit your business needs!
The workshop day will begin with highlights of recent updates and changes to the Medicare program that affect DMEPOS suppliers. Then attend an in-depth review of documentation requirements, we will have specific sessions designed for O & P and DME, so everyone benefits.
In the afternoon, attendees can pick up to three one-hour sessions that will help with Medicare claims. Do you have new staff that could benefit from this education? We have a “track” of sessions designed just for them: Successful Claim Submission, ABNs and Upgrades, and Self-Service Tools. We also have many category-specific updates (for example: O & P, Oxygen, and Glucose Monitors) where recent trends and audit results will be discussed.
This is a terrific opportunity to meet with your DME MAC representatives and get your questions answered!
See the full schedule of courses and register today at: DME MAC Jurisdictions B & C Indianapolis Mega Workshop